In today's fast-paced digital age, the realm of freelancing has expanded beyond traditional boundaries, and project management is no exception.

Freelance project management is not only a rewarding and flexible career choice but also one that demands a unique blend of tactical organization and interpersonal acumen. At its core, it involves translating a company's aspirations and visions into actionable plans, and then guiding them to fruition.

This journey is paved with multifaceted leadership challenges, demanding not just expertise in planning, but also a knack for managing diverse teams, handling unexpected roadblocks, and ensuring timely deliverables.

So, what does it take to carve out a niche for oneself in this domain? How does one transition from a conventional project management role to a freelance one?

Dive in as we demystify the world of freelance project management. We offer insights into the day-to-day intricacies of the role, furnish you with seven pivotal tips for standing out in this competitive field, and introduce a toolkit of resources to help you ascend the ladder of success as a freelance project manager.

  • A Day In The Life Of A Freelance Project Manager
  • Characteristics Of A Successful Freelance Project Manager
  • 7 Tips For Being Successful As A Freelance Project Manager
  • Balancing Multiple Projects
  • 4 Tools & Platforms To Master As A Freelance Project Manager
  • Marketing Yourself As A Freelance Project Manager In A Digital Age
  • Final Words
  • Freelance Project Management FAQ:
  • A Day In The Life Of A Freelance Project Manager

    Gone are the days when freelance jobs are reserved predominantly for freelance designers and creatives. Now you can be a freelancer in almost any profession - even project management.

    So, what does a freelance project manager do daily? Freelance project management delivers independent management solutions for an organization or client.

    They are not a full-time employee; instead, they are a contracted partner. Responsibilities will differ depending on the range of services, but the overall mission is to coordinate a successful end-to-end project.

    Image Source: Brands&People / Unsplash

    Here are some of the essential actions and responsibilities a freelance project manager does daily:

    • Assemble a team.
    • Engage with cross-functional stakeholders and departments.
    • Defining project scope, goals, and deadlines.
    • Serving as a liaison between the project team and upper management.

    Characteristics Of A Successful Freelance Project Manager

    A successful freelance project manager possesses several qualities that are essential for effectively managing projects. These qualities include:

    Adaptability: A freelance project manager must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges that may arise during a project. They should be flexible and able to adjust their plans and strategies accordingly to ensure project success.

    Leadership: A successful freelance project manager is a strong leader who can inspire and motivate team members to achieve project goals. They should be able to provide clear direction, delegate tasks effectively, and foster a positive and productive work environment.

    Excellent communication: Communication is a crucial skill for a freelance project manager. They must be able to effectively communicate project goals, expectations, and deadlines to team members and stakeholders. They should also be proficient in active listening, ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

    Problem-solving: Freelance project managers are responsible for identifying and resolving any issues or problems that may arise during a project. They should possess strong problem-solving skills, be able to think critically, and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles and keep the project on track.

    Decision-making: A successful freelance project manager must be able to make informed and timely decisions. They should be able to analyze information, weigh the pros and cons, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the project and its stakeholders.

    These qualities are essential for effectively managing projects and ensuring their successful completion.

    7 Tips For Being Successful As A Freelance Project Manager

    Becoming a successful freelance project manager requires determination, heart, and discipline. You will need to dedicate your time to perfecting your craft, creating relationships, and branding yourself in a meaningful way.

    Below are seven tips you can implement immediately to achieve your freelance project management goals.

  • 1. Get Out There & Get Networking
  • 2. Update Your CV And Create A Portfolio
  • 3. Practice Your Skills Daily (+ Gain Some New Ones)
  • 4. Set Your Work Hours
  • 5. Build A Website
  • 6. Ask For Referrals
  • 7. Maintain Communication With Clients
  • 1. Get Out There & Get Networking

    Becoming a successful freelance project manager will be what and who you know. To establish your brand, you must engage with people in your industry. Doing so will allow you to learn, build relationships, and be vocal about the services you provide.

    The best networkers understand how to “connect the dots.” You might be able to serve someone directly. However, connecting two other professionals is the highest level of networking.

    For example, you might meet a business owner who needs to learn how to do his taxes. You might have another friend who is a CPA. Connecting these two people is the best form of networking.

    Networking takes place in two settings: in-person and virtual. Check your local rotary club or chamber of commerce for weekly events. Often people get together to network and learn from a public speaker.

    Image Source: Evangeline Shaw / Unsplash

    Virtual networking is also effective. Platforms like LinkedIn enable you to find and connect with professionals worldwide.

    2. Update Your CV And Create A Portfolio

    Your CV is a written representation of the value you provide. It summarizes your accomplishments, qualifications, and overall career profile. A CV can be your golden ticket to securing a conversation with top-level decision-makers within an organization.

    Passing your CV to someone should hopefully result in an interview because of the intriguing information.

    A digital portfolio is an effective way to showcase examples of your work.

    You can talk the talk, but does the quality of your service back it up? A portfolio will provide proof of your projects so future clients can know what to expect.

    3. Practice Your Skills Daily (+ Gain Some New Ones)

    Dedicating your time to being a lifelong learner will be critical in becoming a successful freelance project manager.

    There is infinite information online to hone your skills in all areas of project management.

    Whether you want to take a course or pursue a certification, the sky’s the limit. The Project Management Certification (PMP) is the pinnacle certification to establish yourself as a leader in the project management space.

    4. Set Your Work Hours

    via GIPHY

    Setting your own work hours is one of the most significant benefits of being a freelance project manager. However, lousy time management can turn this into a disadvantage.

    Setting your work hours requires self-awareness and discipline. First, you must understand how and when you are most productive.

    Do you have more of your energy in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Try to structure your day so that you can be most effective and maximize your energy windows

    Secondly, you must have the discipline to execute your daily schedule and get your work done. It is one thing to create a schedule, but it takes discipline to follow through with your plan.

    Focus on writing out your daily schedule the night before. Break up your day into certain time windows for optimal productivity.

    5. Build A Website

    Establishing some online real estate will be key to growing your brand.

    Having a website will show people that you are serious about your craft.

    It is also a great place for people to learn more about you, your work, and your story.

    Perhaps you could generate some business cards with your website so that people find out more about you after networking events.

    6. Ask For Referrals

    Referrals are a cost-effective strategy to gain more clients. Marketing yourself is one thing, but other people’s kind words about your services will speak volumes.

    When you complete a project for a client, politely ask them if they know people who could utilize the same services.

    Referrals and reviews are becoming increasingly important as clients turn towards social proof when deciding who to trust with their project management work.

    7. Maintain Communication With Clients

    Image Source: David Hahn / Unsplash

    Communicating with your clients throughout the project is critical. However, do you maintain this connection after the project or contract is completed?

    Touch base with clients to see how their business is doing or offer value. Doing so will show your commitment to your clients and make them feel important.

    It will also keep your brand in their minds so they can send you more referrals.

    Balancing Multiple Projects

    Create a project management system: Implementing a project management tool or system can help you stay organized and keep track of all your freelance projects. Use project management tools to create tasks, set deadlines, and assign priorities for each project. This will allow you to have a clear overview of your workload and ensure that no project slips through the cracks.

    Prioritize projects based on deadlines and importance: Assess the urgency and importance of each project and prioritize accordingly. Identify projects with tight deadlines or high stakes and allocate more time and resources to those. By setting clear priorities, you can ensure that you meet client expectations and deliver quality work on time.

    Communicate clearly with clients: Maintain open and transparent communication with your clients. Let them know upfront about your availability and workload. Be honest about your capacity and set realistic expectations regarding timelines and deliverables. Regularly check in with clients to provide updates on their projects and address any concerns or questions they may have.

    Break down projects into smaller tasks: Divide each project into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help you stay focused and prevent overwhelm. Set daily or weekly goals for each task and track your progress. Breaking down projects into smaller steps also allows you to allocate your time effectively and ensures that you can make progress on multiple projects simultaneously.

    Time blocking and scheduling: Use time-blocking techniques to allocate dedicated time slots for each project. Create a schedule that allows you to switch between projects without sacrificing quality or attention. Dedicate specific time periods for communication, research, writing, revisions, and other project-related tasks. Stick to your schedule as much as possible to ensure that each client feels they are getting your undivided attention.

    Avoid multitasking: While it may be tempting to work on multiple projects simultaneously, multitasking can often lead to decreased productivity and lower quality work. Instead, focus on one project at a time and give it your full attention. Complete each task or milestone before moving on to the next project. This will help you maintain focus, produce higher quality work, and ensure that each client receives the attention they deserve.

    Set realistic deadlines and manage client expectations: When taking on multiple freelance projects, it's crucial to set realistic deadlines. Avoid overcommitting or promising unrealistic turnaround times. Be transparent with clients about your workload and any potential delays. Managing client expectations upfront will help create a mutual understanding and avoid dissatisfaction or frustration later on.

    Delegate and outsource when necessary: If you find yourself overwhelmed with multiple projects, consider delegating or outsourcing certain tasks. You can hire freelancers or subcontractors to assist with specific aspects of the projects, such as research, design, or content creation. By delegating some responsibilities, you can free up your time to focus on the core aspects of each project, ensuring that each client receives the attention they deserve.

    Remember: effective project management and prioritization are key to successfully juggling multiple freelance projects.

    Stay organized, communicate clearly, and allocate your time wisely to ensure that each client feels they are getting your full attention and receive high-quality work within the agreed-upon timelines.

    4 Tools & Platforms To Master As A Freelance Project Manager

    If you are looking for some helpful tools and platforms, below are a few solutions you can lean on throughout your journey to becoming a successful freelance project manager.

  • 1. FreeUp
  • 2. Freework
  • 3.
  • 4. actiTIME
  • 1.FreeUp

    Image source: FreeUp

    FreeUp is a platform that connects companies with the most skilled freelancers. The platform will recruit and interview thousands of freelancers weekly based on their communication, leadership, and expertise.

    Once you get accepted, you can bid on projects and gain access to hot leads who are looking for freelance project management. The platform was founded in 2015 and has over 20,000 customers.

    The best thing about FreeUp is that it is free for freelancers to join, and once signed up, you can set your own freelance rates and schedule.


    Image source: Freework

    Freework is an all-in-one platform that helps project teams take a project from start to finish. There are several ways in which Freework makes life easier for project managers:

    • Track progress on the project for resource management and time.
    • Collaborate and message team members on critical project deliverables.
    • Streamline billing and invoicing procedures for accurate, timely payments.

    Freework also has capabilities to connect with other tools like Trello, Jira, Notion, or Slack.

    Regarding pricing, Freework has a free personal plan of $0 per seat per month or a team plan of $7 per seat per month. Are you looking for more functionality and a more extensive scope? Contact their sales team to create a customized solution.

    Image source: is another project management tool helping teams organize complex projects, strengthen collaboration, and streamline process workflows. The interface mimics Excel and allows teams to track and plan daily work progress. provides value to departments like:

    • Human Resources – optimize the recruitment pipeline and organize leave requests.
    • Media – manage campaigns and generate workflows.
    • Sales and marketing – organize events, secure lead information, and engage with clients.
    • Software development – track bugs, plan sprints and prioritize backlogs.

    The platform comes with increased functionality and features. However, they still offer affordable pricing. Depending on the number of users you need, prices range from $0 - $16 per seat per month.


    Image source: actiTime‌ ‌

    actiTime is another project management tool that helps save time and stress for project managers. Here are several of the benefits of actiTime:

    • Time tracking – organize weekly timesheets, track over time, and enable employee communication.
    • Data analysis and reporting – generate reports on staff performance, over time, estimated vs. actual time, and billing summary.
    • Task management – manage deadlines, forecast project time length, and monitor assignments.
    • Team management – user grouping, user roles, and bulk user invitation.

    Prices for actiTime range from free to $6 per user per month (billed annually)

    Marketing Yourself As A Freelance Project Manager In A Digital Age

    In today's digital age, marketing yourself as a freelance project manager is crucial for success.

    With the rise of remote work and the gig economy, more businesses are turning to freelancers to manage their projects.

    To stand out from the competition, it is important to establish a strong online presence. This can be done through creating a professional website, showcasing your portfolio, and utilizing social media platforms to network and connect with potential clients.

    via GIPHY

    Additionally, staying up to date with the latest project management tools and technology is essential to demonstrate your ability to effectively coordinate and manage projects in the digital realm.

    By effectively marketing yourself as a freelance project manager in the digital age, you can attract more clients and build a successful career.

    Final Words

    Navigating the landscape of freelance project management is undoubtedly challenging, but equally rewarding.

    As we've discussed, it's not just about mastering the technical aspects of the job; it's about fostering genuine relationships, crafting a compelling personal brand, and consistently delivering on promises with timeliness and precision.

    By integrating the seven fundamental tips we've outlined, you're not only setting the foundation for impeccable project execution but also ensuring a holistic approach that balances hard skills with the soft.

    Moreover, with the ever-evolving tools and technologies available today, you are armed to streamline processes and enhance client experiences.

    As you embark on this journey, remember: your role as a freelance project manager isn't just about managing tasks; it's about facilitating success, driving growth, and making a lasting impact on businesses and their visions.

    By upholding these principles, you're poised to not only succeed personally but to elevate the endeavors of countless clients and their teams.

    Freelance Project Management FAQ:

    What is a freelance project manager?

    A freelance project manager is a professional who offers project management services on an independent contractor basis rather than as a full-time employee. They manage project scope, resources, timelines, and deliverables for various clients without being tied to a specific organization.

    How do freelance project managers find work?

    Freelance project managers often find work through networking, referrals, online freelance platforms (like Upwork, Freelancer, or FreeUp), industry events, or by marketing their own personal brand and website.

    How do freelance project managers find work?

    Freelance project managers often find work through networking, referrals, online freelance platforms (like Upwork, Freelancer, or FreeUp), industry events, or by marketing their own personal brand and website.

    How is freelance project management different from traditional project management?

    While the core principles of project management remain the same, freelance project managers often work with multiple clients across different industries and may need to be more flexible and adaptable. They also handle their own business operations, such as marketing, billing, and taxes.

    Do freelance project managers need a certification?

    While it's not mandatory, certifications like the Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified ScrumMaster can boost credibility and demonstrate a certain level of expertise in the field.

    How do freelance project managers charge for their services?

    Freelance project managers might charge by the hour, set a flat fee for a specific project, or work on a retainer basis. Rates can vary based on experience, expertise, and the complexity of the project.

    How do freelance project managers handle multiple clients?

    Successful freelance PMs prioritize tasks, set clear boundaries, utilize project management tools, and communicate proactively to juggle multiple projects and clients efficiently.

    What challenges might a freelance project manager face?

    Common challenges include unpredictable income, the need to continuously market oneself, potential isolation from working alone, and managing client expectations.

    Are there specific industries that hire freelance project managers more often?

    While freelance project managers can be found in almost any industry, they are particularly prevalent in IT, marketing, events, construction, and creative industries, among others.

    What skills are essential for a freelance project manager?

    Apart from core project management skills, a freelance PM should possess excellent communication, adaptability, negotiation skills, and business acumen. Being proactive and a self-starter is also crucial for success in a freelance capacity.

    Can freelance project managers work remotely?

    Yes, many freelance project managers work remotely, especially if the projects they manage are digital in nature. However, some industries or projects might require on-site presence or occasional travel.